Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Okay so today I decided I wanted a new phone. I've had my current phone for three years and I'm ready to join the throngs of people with 'nice' phones. This is the phone I want. It's cute and I get to pretend I am a do gooder because it is one of the RED products. Here's the problem...even with all the rebates that I've 'earned' (note they are saying it will only cost me 60 bucks after $150 off b/c I'm such a great customer...their words I kid you not...and a $90 mail in rebate). Meanwhile the actual advertised price beside the phone is the $60 price. On top of which after I pay sprint the $150 and send in all the paperwork for the rebate...they still want me to pay a 'registration' fee to change phones. I hate this sort of thing...I left...without my phone...frustrated and defeated. OH...oh...I forgot, the new cord is also different, so I will have to get three new for the house one for work and one for the car. They are pirates.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hooray! You are blogging. But let's change these comment settings to "moderated" shall we? It has been a pain in the behind trying to say hi.

Love the red phone, such a bold color for you.

6:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why not this phone, this is the one I have my heart set on:

2:38 PM  
Blogger anais odessa said...

I like that one...very you! I did get the red phone am having fun with it so far.

3:29 PM  

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